Monday, January 12, 2009

Events this week....

  • Our School Geography Bee is tentatively scheduled for Thursday afternoon - Jan. 15th. More details and exact times should be available tomorrow, 1.13.09......

  • Wednesday is an EARLY OUT - school will be dismissed on the Friday schedule.

  • Our 2nd Schweitzer Mountain Resort Ski trip is scheduled for this Friday, January 14th. Paperwork will be sent home on Tuesday for 5th and 6th graders. Space is limited on this trip as 4th grade has been invited as well. The 1st 50 students with complete paperwork are IN!!

  • We will have school on Monday January 18th (Martin Luther King's Birthday) but NOT on Wednesday January 20th. Wednesday will also mark the end of the 1st semester! Be on the lookout for REPORT CARDS!

THAT's it for now! Please call or email if you have any questions!

-Ms. Chanin

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