Thursday, February 11, 2010

good morning

happy thursday!

Well, our blogger took a little break, so I thought I'd write!
While DC is under 3 feet of snow and completely paralyzed (nowhere to put the snow!), Vancouver is seriously dry.... no snow to put anywhere. Which would be ok... but the olympics are due to start next week! They are moving snow with helicopters and trucks.....
Today's schedule is as follows:
8:15.... read this! Attendance, and look at prezi requirements....
8:30 PE
9:00 test review stuff
9:15 Library
9:45 Science
10:15 Recess
10:30 band/spanish
11:00 computers - finish onomatopeia stories and work on prezi (lexi, will you type spelling lists for me???)
11:45 lunch and recess
12:35 2 Old Women (and mini-quiz)
1:40 Word Study
2:00 Recess
2:20 Math Groups - Mango takes test!
3:25 Jobs
3:30 Dismissal starts!

Don't forget - skiing trip tomorrow for those who want to go! (ps schweitzer received 2 inches of snow yesterday with another 4 on the way!!!)

have a great day!

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