Friday, August 27, 2010


Welcome to the 2010 - 2011 school year!

I know we will have a wonderful, fun and learning filled year ahead of us.

A few important details:

1. First day = Wednesday September 1st

2. REMEMBER - the first bell rings at 8:10. Come early (but not before 7:45) to pick out your desk and put your stuff away!

3. There is a link on this page for the supply list if you need it. BUT don't worry too much about supplies. Bring what you have, but most of all, a smile and enthusiasm to start our year off with a bang!

4. ASK QUESTIONS (if you have them)! You can reach me by calling the school (295-4321), email ( or even just leaving a post on this page!


1 comment:

Heather Lyons said...

by Heather Lyons