Wednesday, September 1, 2010

the first day of school!

today we had a great first day of school.First thing we did was find a desk.We went to P.E and then we did spelling and some lunch today was corn dogs yum!We did an art project to.(sigh) today was great!

from: Brooke Slaven


Erin Landis said...

Omg! I had corn dogs too! Your day sounded like fun. This is what I did today. There was high schoolers every where. After making my way throught the chaos i finally made it to Ms Drury's room where they went through all the rules and everything! From dress code to lunches! Then we went to the auditorim and sang the star apangle banner and watched this dude do the high jump blah blah blah. then rest of the day went class to class. Across campus a couple times. then wnt home! OR to your class. So all you 6th graders ou there it isen't as scary as you think.

Ouisie Chanin said...

Thanks for the post Erin! Sounds like you had a fun day. It is good for the sixth graders to hear that Jr. High is not scary! Come by after school any time!

Ouisie Chanin said...

AND, Brooke... you did a great job posting! Thank you! I know you will be a great blogger for our class!!!