Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This is my dinner. I am thinking about this dinner all day long. As I teach math, I think of the cheewy, tasty cheese sticking to my teeth. As I teach reading , I think of the crunchy crust that is my favorite part of eating pizza. While I teach spanish I think of the peperoni that adds just the right flavor to each bite - a perfect contrast with the mild cheese.

I just can’t stop thinking of that gorgeous, delicious, mind numbing pizza that will fill my belly at dinner.

But here’s what happens in real life.

The pizza is sitting on the kitchen table.

I call my family to dinner.

It takes a while so I check email while I wait.

No one is watching the pizza.

NO, that’s not true. Mudge is wactching the pizza.


I look up from the computer. Mudge is standing on the kitchen table. Wagging. Eating. Smiling.

No more pizza for me.


Erin Landis said...

Waffles and susage are better for dinner

brooke said...

xD ms.chanin so funny!

Ouisie Chanin said...

@Erin - agreed! But I would NEVER leave waffles and sausage unattended for the dogs to steal!