Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Your prezi book talk must include:

  • title of the book\

  • picture of the book

  • if there is an illustrator... their name

  • author

  • summary of the book - about 50 words of what the book is about without telling any major secrets - don't give the best parts away. This must be in your words... not just pasted from amazon or something like that.

  • the main characters - their names and a little bit about them.

  • rating of the book - 0 - 10 - how much did you like it...

  • genre

  • recommendations - who would like your book - or... what type of person (girls, adults... etc..)

  • setting - where it takes place

  • Diffictulty rating - Vacation - Challenge or Just Right

  • ar reading level.

  • something else... that takes it to the next level - up to you! Could be about the author... could be a trailer clip... SOMETHING. Be Creative.


Anonymous said...

cool that seems to be fun!

Heather said...

we are still working on it!