Title - something like: 4 days of school each week? I think it sounds GOOD!
Intro: 3-4 sentences - introduce the topic and share your opinion. DO NOT share your reasons in the intro! Save them for the body of the essay
paragraph 2 - REASON 1 - state a reason you think your opinion is right - example: if we don't have school on Friday's then we can sleep in! Then explain why your reason is important: example: Students our age need more sleep and friday morning is the perfect time to do it! We will be more alert the rest of the week if we have more time to sleep on Fridays.....
use 3 - 4 sentences
paragraph 3 - REASON 2 - state a second reason why your opinion is right. Support that reason... explaining why it is important.
3-4 sentences
paragraph 4 - REASON 3 - one more reaosn... support it... you get the pattern... RIGHT???
3-4 sentences
CONCLUSION - restate your your opinion as if whoever is reading your essay obviously would agree with you now....
example: As you can see, a four day school week is the only way to go. It has advantages for everybody. I hope Troy Public Schools will consider this option in the future.
3 sentences
HAVE FUN WITH IT! What kind of creative reasons can you come up with? For extra credit... add another paragraph with ideas of how the school district could save money.
Due date: Friday? Maybe next week. Let's see how much we get done....
You should only give them 2 days and make them write about their favorite place.
hahaha... erin!
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