Saturday, February 26, 2011

MonTCas Testing THIS WEEK!

Just a reimnder:
Our class will be taking the annual MontCas tests this week on TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY and FRIDAY mornings from approximately 9am - 11:45 am. We will break for recess and snack in the middle of that block.
Just a few things that will help make the week (and tests)go smoothly....
* Please be at school this week... if at all possible! If you can't be there, please let me know ahead of time so I can schedule a make-up test for you.
* Get a good nights rest. SLEEP! It is important! Sleep is when your brain grows! (I don't know if that is really true.... but it sounds feasible!)
* Eat BREAKFAST! It makes a bigger difference than you would possible believe. (this one I know to be FACT)

It will be over before you know it. You are all prepared for this. I KNOW you will do your best!

P.S. I owe you a READ ALL DAY day the following week! Let's get it on the schedule!!!

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