Saturday, December 20, 2008

Geography Bee

Congratulations Geography Bee winners!

We have 6 students from our class that will move forward to the next round of the Geography Bee - the School-wide level - to compete against the winners from the other classrooms!

Congrats to everyone who participated....

but especially the following:
Mike D

Alternate: 1. Alex D 2. Heather

More info to come!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

mikey d. blog

today was fun are party was cool and i got a 10 dollar gift that was for arplace so i hope you have the best chrisrtmas ever

Thursday, December 18, 2008

mikey d. blog

today was awesome im in a bee and it is great a lot of other people are in it to i hope i will win we went to mrs.coys class and we did a fake exspoasen it was cool i cant wait tell tomorrow it is going to be cool we had a lot of fun today so have a really good day.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

mike d. blog

today it was fun we go a leckcher about how drugs are bad. and are teacher has had a good day for once and we wrestled today and it was fun are teacher got white washed it was funny well have a great day.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

mike d's blog

today was better i had a foot long sandwitch this is the one day that Mrs.Chainn did not exbload and it was a fun day but Ihope I will have a better day tomorrrow have a good day.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Hey - don't forget we have a class gift exchange on FRIDAY!!!
Please let me know (me, being Ms. Chanin) if you will not be able to bring something so that we can work out A PLAN so you can still participate!
Also, think about any treats you would like to bring.
I am working on getting the dvd player working on this "lovely" computer so that we can watch a movie on the SMART BOARD!!!
Any movie suggestions??? Leave a comment here!!!

Mike D's Blog

today was a bad day for the class and quete a lot of people wre a pimpl on the teachers face i cant wait for christmas breakand i hope that mrs coy class. like the blog today.

Friday, December 12, 2008


Hey -
Ricky, I know you were stressing about your football! Just wanted to let you know that I found it before leaving school today! I'll have it there for you on Monday!
See ya!!!


Hey -
Hope everyone has a FABULOUS but WARM weekend!
Monday is going to be a pretty big day - I really hope everyone is here!!!
lots of reading UGLIES (we REALLY need to finish before winter break... REALLY!)

and more!

See you there!

Ms Chanin

p.s. Hail to the Redskins!

Alex Day's Blog

I have to hurry up! But during store we got football cards! They're awesome!

Alex Day's Blog Post

Today Ms. Chanin got mad. Nothing on Jupiter would make us pay attention today so that's why she was mad. We all can't wait till the christmas play. Our class wants to say they like money.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Alex Day's Blog Post

Today we had lots of ice Cream. we partied and we all got sick. during structered fitness garret puked and we all went like slugs on the track but the ice cream was yummy.

- Okay Alex - so were all those multiplication pages worth it???
No more complaining about Math if we get to do cool things like that!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Alex Day's Blog Post

Today Ms Chanin got really grouchy after lunch was mean
other wise i had a good day because i was on the computer a lot

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Monte Yellow Bird to Visit Class

We will be honored to have a guest teacher in our class on Wednesday December 10th and Friday December 12th. Monte Yellow Bird, a Native American artist from North Dakota, will be working with all 4 - 6th grade students to make Warrior Shields. This should be a fascinating and exciting project for our students!
However, there is a little HOMEWORK we need to do in order to be ready to work with our guest. The Warrior Shields represent each student's background. Therefore, it is necessary that students talk with their families in order to learn this information about themselves!
WE will be discussing this project in class on Monday - but if you would like a head start with the family discussion, go ahead and print out the Warrior Shield background info questionnaire located in the class documents section of the blog!

I am really looking forward to this project, it should be really great!

See you Monday -
Ms. Chanin

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mike's Blog - Friday...

Mike - I'm going to edit this a little.... the Pimple Methaphor is pretty funny.... I don't think that it was all that bad yesterday, hmmmm... and summer, yikes, you're ready for summer? Me, I'm ready for SNOW!!! But OK, to each their own!!!! Thanks for the entry Mike!! You're a very entertaining Blogger!
-Ms. Chanin

The class today was very bad> But our teacher has had a melt down and I have had a bad month and am ready for summer all ready. Some people have been a pimple on Mrs.chainn's face all week but I won't name them. I hope you all have a really good weeked!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Today by Mike D

The hole class was a really big peice of pretzel. And our teacher flipped out yesterday but today was good.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Our Class will be having a Christmas party on Friday December 19th starting at 12:00!
We are hoping to have lots of TREATS and ACTIVITIES along with a GIFT EXCHANGE!
For the gift exchange, each student should bring in one wrapped gift for another student. It is easiest if the girls give with another girl in mind and the boys buy with a boy in mind! Gifts should be kept under 10$!!!
Please contact Ms. Chanin if you do not think you will be able to bring a gift - we'll be able to figure something out so that everybody will be able to participate!
MORE INFO TO COME as the date draws near!!
Ho Ho HO HOOOO ho!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Army National Guard Obstacle Course!

All 5th and 6th graders will be participating in the Army National Guard Obstacle course on Tuesday December 2nd.  The Obstacle course will be located at the High School.

Students MUST have a permission slip in order to participate!  This is a bit difficult as Tuesday is only a day after we return from Thanksgiving break!  So....

If you have your November 25th MOrrison Newsletter, look on the back - this is the permission slip!  If you did not make it home with the newsletter (or have lost it... oops...) then look at the Class Documents section of the blog.  If you click on the permission slip link you can print it out (I know, it's a lousy copy, but it's better than nothing!)

See you all MOnday!

-Ms. Chanin

Friday, November 21, 2008

my favorite part of school today was the store

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Blogger = Eric
Today the best part was playing with laser light and shining it on everybody including both teachers. So that's what I think of today.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Todayblogger = Ryan

today we got to play kickball at strucherd fitness and finally got to use the smart board.

Monday, November 17, 2008


blogger - eric

The funniest thing we did today was -watching miss chanin were a Dallas Cowgirls jersey. I put cowgirls for you miss chanin.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Cowboy Poet - poetry contest winner!

Congratulations to Victoria Deshazer....
for having her poem chosen by the Cowboy Poet, TJ Casey, to be published!
She wrote a very funny and creative poem titled, Bad Bear Breath!
Check back here, at this blog, to read it! (that is as soon as I can procure it from her!)

Friday, November 7, 2008

Dance Rescheduled

The 3rd - 6th Grade Dance has been Rescheduled!
The official new date is....
Tuesday, November 11
6-8:30 pm
cost: $1.50

Fliers have been posted around the school. If you have questions, contact the school office......

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Field Trip and Dental Screening TOMORROW!

Just a heads up to those of you who might forget to brush their teeth....
- DENTAL SCREENING TOMORROW morning - and we will be the very first to go!

Also - FIELD TRIP TO THE MINE - Tomorrow!
  • Wear a coat (you might want gloves, hat and that sort of thing too - I've been told - by Michael - that it's freeeeeeeezing in there)
  • Wear Comfortable clothes
  • Bring a lunch if you don't want the school lunch!

That's it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We have several interesting events coming up!!! Here we go:

  • FIELD TRIP (yes, another one... I do think they are good for them!) - FRIDAY Nov. 7th to the Troy Mine!

  • Dental Screening on Friday morning Nov. 7th. Please send a note if you do NOT want your child to participate.

  • AWARDS ASSEMBLY ~ Friday, November 14th @ 1:00 pm in the gym

Thanks to all of you for participating in Parent/Teacher conferences! And... a huge thanks to Kevin Goe for planning our field trip for us!!!

-Ms. Chanin

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thursday 10.30.08


Today we had a geust speeker. He talked about how drugs will hurt us. He showed us previews of commercials. Our favorite part of the day today was structured fitness.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wednesday 10.29


Today at PE the class plaed Capture The Football. It is hard to catch the Football Boys, they are fast.Some girls like Brenna, are good at Football too. But every person tried they best at plaing Capture The Football. It is hard to play Capture The Football. But it is fun to play a Football kind
of game.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Our class will be taking a field trip to Shannon Lake tomorrow - Friday October 24th!
We will be hiking (about 2-3 miles) and exploring the lake. Hopefully the fall colors will be in full effect!

Decent Shoes
Sweatshirt or Jacket
Comfortable Pants (jeans or sweats) that are OK to get all dirty!
Water Bottle
Possibly hat and gloves if you tend to get COLD....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

6th Grade Class President

On Friday, Eric Thrift was officially elected the President of the 6th Grade!
Congratulations Eric!

All students participated in a very interesting election process!
Those who ran for office should all be complimented on their speeches and fantastic ideas shared during the class debate. There are obviously many wonderful leaders in our class. Hopefully some of those students will use their many, MANY talents to help Eric with a successful term as President! There were many great ideas suggested during the Election Process - hopefully we can ALL work together to make some of those things happen!!!

Students - your participation on our class election was AMAZING!

(Due to the size of the video clips - the I am moving the Presidential speeches to their very own Blog location! Check back for a link to reach those speeches!)
Yay - now I can put the slide show back on!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


12 Students gave FANTATIC speeches this afternoon!
Check back here very VERY soon for some video from each speech!
Get ready for a thrilling debate tomorrow (10.9) afternoon!
Not much longer until our election!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Elections for Class President will be held on FRIDAY October 10th!

Students interested in running for president will give a Speech to the Class on Wednesday at 2pm.

Candidates will debate school and class issues on Thursday afternoon.

All registered students will vote by secret ballot on Friday.

Currently 10 students are candidates for President. If ten students are still running by the Friday election, we will hold a run-off election for the two candidates who receive the most votes.

Tune in to this BLOG for election coverage, news and VIDEO clips of speeches and debates!

Please remember, only one person will be elected president but all students who participate are WINNERS!!!

It's about the PROCESS!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008


The week ahead

Hope you all like the slide show! 12 kids are in so far - I'll have to get the rest of you tomorrow!

A few notes -
- don't forget to read your books and record home reading on the reading log

- Science all week this week (social studies next week)

- Good luck football vs. T Falls!

That's it. Let's look forward to a stellar Tuesday and rest of our week!

Ms. C.

p.s. stellar = • adjective 1. relating to a star or stars. 2 informal of or having the quality of a star performer 3.. exceptional or wonderful
— ORIGIN Latin stellaris, from stella ‘star’.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Visit from Dan Williams - the Weed Man!

On Thursday afternoon, we had the fortune to be educated and entertained by Dan Williams. Mr. Williams is an expert on fighting NOXIOUS WEEDS in Lincoln county. Our students were an excellent audience and have learned a lot about invasive weeds in our area, including several species that there is a $50 bounty for!!!
Maybe a weed hunting field trip is in our future???!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Hey class - great job with the Weed presentation. The presenter actually said, and I quote, "This is the very best class! They are just amazing!"
That says a lot about your enthusiasm and eagerness to learn, not to mention positive attitudes and good manners! WAY TO GO!
Maybe we should really try to find some of those $50 weeds... field trip???
I will post some pics later tonight.
-Ms. C

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We have not had any reports of head lice in our classroom so far this year. HOWEVER, it is a fairly common problem and I thought this article in today's Washington Post was pretty informative!
Check it out if you're interested, or just remember that it's here if you need it!
Hopefully our whole class will stay lice free this year, but you never know......


Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday Sept. 22

Parents - I will be sending home a HOMEWORK policy tomorrow. It should outline my expectations a little more clearly. Please review it with your child. Parents who came to Back to School already have this paper.
I would like every child in the class to have a GOOGLE account if possible. I will also send a sign up home with your child tomorrow. The GOOGLE account will allow your child to leave comments on this blog as well as access to the Web 2.0 applications such as Google Docs. Please let me know if you have questions about the GOOGLE accounts or concerns.
I will send home book orders tomorrow. I am hoping for a fast order this time - with any luck, placing the order by Friday. This can be a great, less expensive way, to expand your library! Some of the more popular titles are being offered at a very good price. So, if you want to order, please send it in by Friday!!
I think that's it for now.
Your children were wonderful today - I'm looking forward to a productive and fun week!
Thanks for you continued support!
-Ms. Chanin

Monday, September 15, 2008


As promised, here are a few pictures from our hike! Unfortunately the camera was missing its memory chip, so there are only a few... better than none, right! Just means we'll have to go back...

I think you can click on these images to make them larger - give it a try!

Friday, September 12, 2008


Hey everyone!
Thank you for a great hike up to the T. The whole class made it (sorry, Xavier, let that wrist heal up and we'll go again... promise!)
Keep posted and I'll get a few pictures up as soon as possible!
Have a wonderful weekend!
-Ms. C

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The kids getting into THE ZONE !!!
Hey Students,
Don't forget.... we're hiking to the 'T' tomorrow afternoon!
Be sure to dress for hiking! It should be pretty warm, so bring a water bottle. Make sure you have good shoes. The hike up is not too long but it's very STEEP!
Should be a lot of fun and the view is fabulous!
See you there!!!
-Ms. C

Friday, September 5, 2008

A few classroom pictures!

Hey Class,

I just though I'd put up a couple pictures from our classroom - encouragement to get you to bring back the permssion forms so we can post MORE!
okay... here's our mini-computer lab in our classroom!

Here is Paige, working hard! (She brought in that form so I can put her picture here!)

And here... is Mrs. Herman - reminding everyone that Science Club will be starting VERY soon. It sounds like a great time!

Now... bring in your form, and we can put your smiling mug up here too!!!

-Ms. C

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Friday, August 29, 2008

Week one, under our belts!

Hard to believe the first week of school is now behind us! (Okay, not that hard, it was only 3 days long!) It has been great to get to know everybody. We have made a good start with our Reading Zone along with a dash of Science, writing and a good chunk of Math. By the end of our 2nd week we should be in our full blown schedule!

Look to this blog for suggested reading, homework policy, up coming events and all sorts of things!


-Ms. C

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

2008-2009 Sixth Grade

on the 1st day of school

Wednesday August 27, 2008


Welcome to Sixth Grade! I hope this will be an excellent year for all of us.
This will be our class blog for the school year. I hope the blog will be a place where students and parents can find information - homework assignments, upcoming events - and also where we can post both pictures from class and current student work!
If you have any ideas, please let me know!! You can contact me by email if you click on my profile to the right of this post....